

有賀 祥隆





















(ありが よしたか)

(1) 大壁の端の縦1列は、1枚の写真ガラス原板を半分ずつ使って2箇所撮影しており、さらに面相部分の別撮りも加えて全体の撮影数(分割数)は374となる。ただし上述の通り1枚で2箇所撮影しているものが含まれるため、写真ガラス原板の総枚数は363となっている。

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The Art Historical Significance of the
Murals in the Kondō Hall of Hōryūji Temple and the Glass Photographic Plates

Ariga Yoshitaka

Professor Emeritus, Tōhoku University

Committee Chair, Committee for the Conservation of the Kondō Murals at Hōryūji


The murals in the Kondō Hall of Hōryūji Temple appear to have been produced from the latter half of the seventh century to the beginning of the eighth century. There are over fifty murals, with the Buddhas of the Four Directions spreading across the four large bays of the Kondō Hall’s outer sanctum and eight murals of bodhisattvas painted on its eight smaller bays. Tragically, on January 26, 1949 (Shōwa 24), at around 7:00 a.m., a fire broke out that caused extensive damage to the murals. Today, these damaged murals are stored along with remnants of building materials in a separate structure that was constructed three years after the fire.

Baron Kuki Ryūichi (1852–1931), who was the chairman of the Committee for the Preservation of Ancient Shrines and Temples, wrote the following about Hōryūji’s Kondō Hall murals in the Research Report on Conservation Methods of the Hōryūji Murals, which was published in 1920 (Taishō 9):

The murals in the Kondō Hall of Hōryūji are now widely regarded as the most magnificent of all the murals known today from any of the nations of East Asia...

From this passage, we know that prior to the severe damage they endured in the fire, the murals in the Kondō Hall of Hōryūji were highly valued, and their tremendous importance was recognized.

The Central Asian painting techniques transmitted to China had been quickly embraced and perfected to a degree of brilliance in Japan by the time that they were realized with such profound beauty in the Kondō Hall murals at Hōryūji. This is revealed in such characteristics as their modes of describing the vivid forms of the bodies of buddhas and bodhisattvas through restrained iron-wire line drawing (J. tessen byō; Ch. tiexianmiao) and in the techniques deployed to convey the dimensionality of the folds of the robes and the transparency of thin silk and silk gauze garments.


In principle, the severely damaged murals are kept in a separate storehouse and not shown in public. Yet the former abbot of Hōryūji, the Venerable Ōno Genmyō, was eager to grant a wider audience access to them. (He passed away on October 25, 2019.) To that end, he brought the goal of making them available for public viewing to the Agency for Cultural Affairs on September 27, 2015. In addition to ensuring the permanent conservation of the damaged murals, he sought both cooperation in establishing a committee that would consider the fundamentals of their preservation and utilization and support to carry out the research and analysis that exhibiting them would require.

The requests that the Venerable Ōno Genmyō brought forward were recognized, and, three months later, benefitting from this and the cooperation of the Agency for Cultural Affairs and the Asahi Shimbun Co., the first meeting of the Committee for the Conservation of the Kondō Hall Murals at Hōryūji (Ariga Yoshitaka, Committee Chair) was called into session on December 5, 2015. The members of the Conservation Committee included eleven experts (and later fifteen) with various research backgrounds. The research project itself was carried out by four working groups focused on:

1. Storage Conditions
2. The Murals (with sections focused on art history and materials analysis)
3. Building Materials and Architecture
4. Archives

A chairperson was designated for each working group and section, and the working groups ranged in size from five to ten members each.

Particularly in the Archives Working Group, materials related to the murals were digitalized and analyzed. While continuing the work of photographing and making careful records pertaining to the murals (in their present state), this working group also proceeded with the digitization of the 363 glas photographics plates used to create the original actual-size photographs made in 1935 (Shōwa 10) in the collection at Hōryūji.


In 1934 (Shōwa 9), the Ministry of Education established the Preservation Committee for the National Treasures of Hōryūji, and the “Great Shōwa-Era Restoration of Hōryūji” was initiated as a national undertaking. That year, a project to take comprehensive, full-scale photographs of the Hōryūji Kondō Hall murals was planned with the goal of compiling accurate records on their present state. According to this plan, the Tokyo-based art printing company Benridō (then under the leadership of Nakamura Takeshirō) was contracted to carry out the project. Benridō took trial photographs that summer, and the photography project began in earnest the next year, starting on August 1, 1935. The photography was completed in seventy days, on October 15.

The project was carried out with the photographer Satō Hamajirō of Benridō at the helm and ten others working alongside him. Mr. Satō had been involved in the photography of the murals two times earlier, in 1919 (Taishō 8) and 1934 (Shōwa 9). This, however, was the first time that anyone had the opportunity to photograph them comprehensively and to scale.

The full-scale composite photographs altogether comprised of 374 individual pictures. The large bays were photographed in a grid comprised of 42 individual pictures, with six vertical pictures and seven across; the smaller bays were photographed in a grid totaling 24 pictures, six vertical and four across; and the deities and figures of each mural were photographed separately.1 The photography of the murals in the outer sanctum had to be taken from within the space of the hall and therefore from a limited depth. Furthermore, each photograph needed to be the same size and taken from the same angle. A frame was set up in front of the murals in order to take each picture that would form the composite full-scale photographs from a directly frontal view. A custom-made large-scale camera was hung from the frame, with a method devised to glide the camera up and down and from side to side along the frame. So as to ensure that the lighting for each picture would be consistent, 250-watt incandescent bulbs were attached to move along with the camera, with one bulb attached to each of the camera’s four corners.

The glass photographic plates that were created through this process have come to be recognized as resources with historical and scholarly value in their own right, and in 2015 they were designated as Important Cultural Properties.


In general, glass photographic plates produce results distinct from those of halftone offset printing or from collotype printing, with its smooth gradations. One can appreciate their capacities at reproducing details that are lost in offset or collotype printing in such components as the spiral of the snail-shell curls of Amida (Skt. Amitābha) and the soft, fine hair of the attendant bodhisattvas Kannon (Skt. Avalokiteśvara) and Seishi (Skt. Mahāsthāmaprāpta) seen in Mural No. 6, a transformation scene of the Western Pure Land of Amida found among the murals of the Four Buddhas of the Four Directions in the outer sanctum of the Kondō Hall. Such details are captured in the glass photographic plates’ traces in silver nitrate emulsions. Glass photographic plates create reproductions of such high resolution that they can be blown up by several degrees without any loss of clarity through their magnification.

Thus, amidst the work of their conservation and repair (underwritten by national subsidies for the preservation and restoration of cultural properties), Benridō has focused on the 363 glass photographic plates as it proceeds with its efforts at producing high resolution digitized images using scanners. It is hoped that these images will be accessible to a wider audience, and that the digitization project will expand the scope of their use and impact.

1 To photograph the vertical column at the edge of one of the large bays, the halves of glass photographic plates were used to shoot two sections of the mural. In addition, the plates used to separately photograph the faces of various deities and figures added to the total number of plates, bringing the total to 374 total sectional photographs. Because a few of the glass photographic plates contain two shots, when one adds the photographs in terms of individual plates rather than in terms of individual shots, the glass photographic plates total 363.

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有贺 祥隆

















  原尺寸大分割摄影是在大壁上用纵6横7的42片,小壁则是用纵6横4的24片拍摄的,各面主尊另外单独拍摄,共计374片 (1) 。在拍摄外阵壁画时,由于堂内进深有限,并且要将壁画分割成等倍进行拍摄,因此设计出了在壁画的前面竖立分割摄影用的框,在框内将特别订制的大型照相机上下左右移动进行拍摄。另外,为了避免拍摄时照明不均匀,在照相机的四角分别安装了4个250瓦的白炽灯,与照相机一起移动。





(1) 壁画大壁边缘部的纵1列,每张玻璃底片拍摄2处,各用半张。再加上各主尊面相部分需分别单独拍摄,全部的摄影总数(分割数)为374。但是如上所述,由于包含1张玻璃底片拍摄2处的情况,所以玻璃底片的总数为363。

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호류지 금당벽화의 미술적 가치와 사진 유리원판

아리가 요시타카

(有賀 祥隆, 도호쿠대학[東北大學] 명예교수, 호류지 금당벽화 보존활용위원회 위원장)


 호류지 금당벽화는 7세기 후반부터 8세기 초기에 제작된 것으로 여겨진다. 벽화는 50면으로 이루어져 있으며 금당 외진의 큰 벽 4면에 그려진 사방사불(四方四佛)과 작은 벽 8면에 그려진 보살의 총 12면이 중심이 된다. 하지만 아쉽게도 1949년 1월 26일 오전 7시경에 발생한 화재로 인해 피해를 입어 현재 파손된 벽화는 3년 후에 건설된 수장고에 당시 파손된 건축 부재와 함께 조립되어 보존되어 있다.

 호류지 금당벽화는 1920년에 간행된 『호류지 벽화 보존 방법 조사 보고서』의 머리말에서 고사사(古社寺) 보존회장 구키 류이치(九鬼隆一)는 다음과 같이 기술하였다.

호류지 금당벽화가 현재 세계에 알려진 동양의 벽화 중에서 가장 우수한 것임은 일반적으로 인정되고 있는 부분이다(이하, 생략)

 이처럼 호류지 금당벽화는 파손 이전부터 높게 평가받고 있는 문화재이다.

 호류지 금당벽화는 부처와 보살의 육신을 둘러싸고 있는 철선묘와 옷 주름을 나타낸 요철기법, 얇은 천의 투시묘법 등 서역의 화법을 전하는 중국의 묘법을 단시간에 습득하여 훌륭하게 표현하였다.


 파손된 벽화가 보존된 수장고는 원칙상 비공개이지만 파손 벽화에 대한 호류지 전 오노 겐묘 종정(大野玄妙 宗正, 2019년 10월 25일 천화)은 파손 벽화를 일반인들에게 공개하는 것을 희망하였다. 오노 종정은 2015년 9월에 문화청을 방문하여 파손 벽화의 항구적 보전과 이를 일반인에게 공개하기 위하여 필요한 조사를 실시하고 보존과 활용의 기본적 지침을 검토하는 위원회 설치에 관한 협력을 구하였다.

 오노 종정의 요청을 받아드려 문화청과 아사히신문사의 협력을 바탕으로 3개월 후인 12월 5일에 제1회 「호류지 금당벽화 보존 활용 위원회」 (위원장은 아리가 요시타카) 가 호류지에서 개최되었다. 보존활용 위원회의 구성원은 각계의 전문가 연구자 11명(후에 15명)으로 구성되어 실제 조사활동은 4개의 워킹 그룹(WG), 즉

1. 보전환경WG
2. 벽화WG(미술사반과 재료조사반)
3. 건축부재WG
4. 아카이브WG

로 나눠 실시하게 되었다. 각 워킹 그룹 및 반에 리더를 두어 구성원은 5명에서 10명으로 배치하였다.

 특히 아카이브WG는 벽화 관련 자료의 디지털화와 분석, 벽화(현 상태)의 기록 보존을 계속하는 한편 1935년에 실물 크기를 분할하여 촬영한 유리원판(호류지 소장 363장)의 디지털화를 추진하고 있다.


 1934년, 문부성에 호류지 국보보존사업부가 설치되어 국가사업으로 「호류지 쇼와의 대수리」가 시작되었을 때, 금당벽화의 정확한 현 상태를 기록하기 위하여 벽화의 실물 크기 분할 사진 촬영을 기획하였다. 이 기획 사업을 교토의 미술인쇄회사 벤리도(나카무라 다케시로[中村竹四郞] 사장)가 청부받아 여름에 테스트 촬영을 하고 그다음 해 1935년 8월 1일부터 촬영을 시작하였으며 10월 15일에 종료하였다. 이에 걸린 일수는 총 70일이었다.

 촬영은 벤리도 사진 기사 사토 하마지로(佐藤濱次郞) 씨를 중심으로 총 11명이 시행하였다. 사토 씨는 호류지 금당벽화를 2번 촬영한 경험(1919년과 1934년)이 있었지만, 실물 크기 분할 촬영은 이번이 처음이었다.

 실물 크기 분할 촬영은 큰 벽면은 세로 6칸 가로 7칸의 42컷, 작은 벽면은 세로 6칸 가로 4칸의 24컷으로 촬영하고 각 벽면 주존을 추가로 촬영하여 총 374분할이 되었다※1 . 한정된 공간으로 인하여 벽면에서 떨어져 촬영할 수 있는 거리에 한계가 있으며 외진 벽화를 분할하여 등배로 촬영하므로 벽화 바로 앞에 분할 촬영용 틀을 설치하여 틀 안에 특별 주문한 대형 카메라가 상하좌우로 이동할 수 있도록 고안하였다. 그리고 촬영 시에 조명으로 인한 명암 차이를 피하고자 카메라 네 모서리에 250W 백열전구 4개를 달고 카메라와 같이 이동시켰다.

 이러한 방법으로 촬영된 사진 유리원판은 2015년에 역사적 그리고 학술적 가치를 인정받아 중요문화재로 지정되었다.


 사진 유리원판은 일반적으로 망점이 생기는 오프셋 인쇄와 자연스러운 농담 표현이 가능한 콜로타이프 인쇄와 다르다. 예를 들면 금당벽화 외진의 사방사불 중에서 서방아미타정토도(제6호 벽)에는 아미타여래의 소용돌이처럼 표현된 나발과 협시(관음보살과 세지보살)의 섬세하고도 부드러운 머리카락 등, 인쇄로는 재현할 수 없는 풍부한 정보가 남아 있다. 사진 유리원판에는 몇 배의 확대율에 대응할 수 있는 고해상도 정보가 유제(乳剤)에 포함된 은(銀) 입자에 의해 기록된다.

 이렇게 촬영된 사진 유리원판 363장은 스캐너를 사용한 고정세 디지털화 작업을 진행하였다. 이 작업은 보존수리사업(국고보조사업)의 일부로 벤리도를 중심으로 2019년도부터 실행하였으며 2020년도까지 완성할 예정이다. 앞으로 화상으로 볼 수 있게 되어 보다 많은 사람들이 활용할 수 있기를 기대한다.

(아리가 요시타카)

※1 큰 벽면 마지막 세로 1열은 가로 폭이 좁기 때문에 한 장의 사진 유리원판을 반씩 사용하여 두 곳을 촬영하였다. 그리고 존상의 얼굴 부분은 추가로 촬영하였기에 전체 촬영 수(분할 수)는 374회가 된다. 하지만 1장에 두 곳을 촬영한 것도 있으므로 사진 유리원판 총수는 363장이다.

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